​I'm a thirty-years-old French engineer, working in the automotive area. I graduated in Information Processing science, at Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 2012, then have been working in France for about 5 years in the transportation industry. Eventually, I moved to Shenzhen, China, for professional reasons.
My musical background is quite a classic journey; I started playing classical guitar when I was a kid, for almost 10 years, then switched to electric guitar (my first model was an Ibanez RG270, spent so many hours playing that one!). I currently own my Ibanez RG270, and a Fender Japan Telecaster (guess where I bought it ;-))
I discovered wood working when I was living in Japan. I started with simple projects, such as box making, and small wood sculptures, as it didn't require a lot of space. When I came back to France, I invested myself in more complex projects, as I had more room to work: a desk for myself, a small chair for my 2-year old daughter, a TV stand, and so on.
The transition to ukulele and guitar making was really natural. I started with ukulele making, as I had found instructions on internet, and thought I could learn to play ukulele with my own instrument! Simple shapes, small, thus easy to carry, a happy-mooding instrument! Then, after my fifth (amongst one of them was a complete failure) uke, and 3 personally designed models, I decided to give a shot for an electric guitar. I am now building my forth model.
I remember that I dreamt of making my own electrical guitar when I was a teenager. Now, I am playing my own hand-made models, that is so rewarding! I also remember that I dreamt of building my own tube amplifier when I was in university. Now, I am playing using my hand-made tweed amp. But make no mistake about it, now that the 'dream' has become true is not the end of this story. This is just the beginning.
This website aims at sharing my creations with anyone interested in string instruments, and making 17guitars known as a hand-made instruments workshop by a French luthier. For the moment, I cannot dedicate myself 100% to guitar building, as I'm already quite busy with my job. However, I hope I can sell a few series of my instruments, which would allow me to get more involved in the lutherie business, invest more money on tooling, and produce my models in a faster pace, while increasing quality.